
Sunday, July 15, 2012

Week in Review

I did very little this past week besides work, lift and run. 

I learned a few things though: 

1) The foreigners that I work with are not good at playing the game 20 questions. They asked me to pick something for them to guess and I told them, "It's a thing" and immediately they ask, "But like a sports thing or like a cleaning thing or like something else?" "Is this thing like a real thing or a fake thing?" "Can I touch it or is it like imaginary?" I mean, the point of the game is to find those things out, right? "But 'thing' is too big of a category!" "Is it a person?" (No...)  "Is this a thing I go to?" (That would be a place...). And then their idea of narrowing down the category is asking questions like, "Is it blue?" "Does it smell?" "Is it a square?" Because those are definitely the kinds of questions you would ask to narrow down the category of "thing." Yes, it is in fact a blue, smelly square thing, but what blue smelly square thing? But oh, I love the foreigners and they really do know how to make the time fly at work!

2) Running sprints is easier at 5AM than it is at 4PM. Lifting is not better or worse at 4PM because it's inside an airconditioned building. Don't know why it took us so long to figure this out but hey, we did, and that's the important thing.

3) In North Dakota, there are people who actually sell kittens out of the back of their yellow mini-vans. There were like 5 cats in the car.

4) Sundays are the best days for laying in bed and watching TV all day. I woke up this morning, watched music videos, then the movie "Invincible," and now soccer is on. It's like they know that I don't want to move all day so they just schedule all the awesome things back to back to back so I only have to get up to pee and eat. Wonderful.

I got frozen yogurt twice this week, which I don't feel bad about at all since it's almost the first time I've gotten it all summer. 

Played some pickup soccer with the foreigners on Thursday, which was fun. I get to play on the field and run around like a fool with a ball. 

I went to Scheels looking for one specific item and they didn't have it. I looked online and they had it, and asked $13 shipping (it's a shirt). I went to Dick's online and they had it, and offered to ship it for free. Scheels sucks. I love Dick's. (Sorry, couldn't avoid that!).  

I finished reading "50 Shades of Grey" which, despite all the rave reviews I found too weird to be attracted to, at all. And it might have the worst ending of any book, ever. I don't care if you're writing a trashy romance novel, or the Bible, finish the GD story. Disappointed and freaked out, to say the least! And if you're like a mom or older than about 26, please don't read it. Just don't. It'll weird me out if I see you, knowing what you're reading. Thanks.

That's about all I have for this week, it's been a slow week and this soccer game is slowly pulling my attention back to the TV so I will try to update you guys on my life again soon! Have a great week!

Friday, July 6, 2012

Long overdue update

It's been well over a year since my last update and after realizing that there are quite a few people missing my daily ranting I have made the executive decision to restart this little blog. I can make executive decisions about my blog because I own it, K? 

Since my summer schedule looks like this:

5AM- Wake up
5:30AM- Lifting
7-3:30- Work
4PM- Conditioning
5:30-8PM- Coaching
Dinner, Shower, Bed

I don't have a lot to talk about currently, so this will be inconsistent and probably boring until soccer and school start back up again in August, when I will try to do something every other, if not every, day. Bear with me while I try to "make bank" working this summer!

However, if you are "oh so invested" in what I have to say ALL THE TIME (stalker status?), you can follow me on Twitter, @toryhoffman. I tweet a few times daily and I don't believe you have to have a Twitter to read my tweets. But I'll try to give a recap of everything on here when I get the chance, or think it's worth it.

I have something to talk about that is definitely worth it, but I want to wait until I get the pictures from my camera onto the computer, which will be sometime this weekend, promise! And it WILL be worth the wait!

So let's hang tight and be patient until my life becomes more exciting!