
Friday, July 6, 2012

Long overdue update

It's been well over a year since my last update and after realizing that there are quite a few people missing my daily ranting I have made the executive decision to restart this little blog. I can make executive decisions about my blog because I own it, K? 

Since my summer schedule looks like this:

5AM- Wake up
5:30AM- Lifting
7-3:30- Work
4PM- Conditioning
5:30-8PM- Coaching
Dinner, Shower, Bed

I don't have a lot to talk about currently, so this will be inconsistent and probably boring until soccer and school start back up again in August, when I will try to do something every other, if not every, day. Bear with me while I try to "make bank" working this summer!

However, if you are "oh so invested" in what I have to say ALL THE TIME (stalker status?), you can follow me on Twitter, @toryhoffman. I tweet a few times daily and I don't believe you have to have a Twitter to read my tweets. But I'll try to give a recap of everything on here when I get the chance, or think it's worth it.

I have something to talk about that is definitely worth it, but I want to wait until I get the pictures from my camera onto the computer, which will be sometime this weekend, promise! And it WILL be worth the wait!

So let's hang tight and be patient until my life becomes more exciting!

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