Ahh, glorious Thursday. It was only glorious because I did not have my 10:30 class and I decided to forgo my 1:30 class in favor of soccer practice. I was set to simply not be there, but I happened to run into Prof and told him. He said, "OK." And it was great.
And soccer was great. And dinner was... fine. Then I went grocery shopping for the first time this semester and brought some food that doesn't have a 100% sugar composition into our dorm.
It looks out of place next to the jelly beans, candy corn and cookies. But it's delicious.
Then I did art. Lots of art. Some for fun, some not for fun. Here it is;
This was for fun. This is also a dark picture. I'll work harder to get a nicer picture, one day. (Ha ha, get it?). |
The long awaited completion of my surrealism project. This is not completely complete because I put some double sided tape where the pages connect to make it lay flatter. But it's close. |
Here's an actual complete picture. It's reaching out of the top of the picture, can you imagine what the rest of the robot looks like? Me either. |
And a nearly completed bird flying over some rocks. I need to sand some more, and you can still totally tell where the tail broke off, but hey, it's better than last time you saw it. |
Besides that, my day was "chill."
I found these pictures that also made me happy. I took one and didn't take the other, can you tell which is which?
Ok, I'll just tell you. I took this one. It's my campus, in case you can't recognize it. The really bright light in the upper right corner is where I live. If I thought you could find me based on this picture, I wouldn't have told you that. |
And I keep finding scarier and scarier picture of Clay Matthews from this photo shoot. But still, just a little sexy, right? |
My quote today is from a tweet I read when I woke up this
morning afternoon.
From Rainn Wilson, who plays Dwight on The Office. He's funny.
Read the whole thing if you wanna LOL. [The part like this were other peoples' who he re-posted on his Twitter. Gotta give credit where credit is due!]:
"Dancing With the Stars 2012 wishlist: Mickey Rourke, Qaddafi, Snooki, Jet Li, a robot, Sting, Knut's corpse, An Olsen twin, Anderson Cooper, Satan, Howard Stern, a turd, Macchio, Berlisconi, Marilyn & Charlie Manson, an albino, Korn, the cast of Ave Q (w/ puppets), @, Osama Bin Laden, another turd of some kind, Frosty the Snowman, Suri Cruise, a gay veterinarian, Tori Spelling's vagina, discharge of some kind, Bob's Big Boy, a severed finger, Cher, Fred Durst impersonator, Hello Kitty, Half of Santa, a pebble, Cher, a box of napalm, Vin Diesel, Cher's fa..., Charo, Gary Glitter's hard drive, Pete Rose, the dead half of Lynyrd Skynyrd, Cormac McCarthy, Philip Seymour Hoffman, White Snake, Michelle Bachman, the University of Kansas, Loki the Trickster God, Chief Seattle's rattle, a rare fungus, Cher, [fish parts, Optimus Orime, Rebecca Black's home ec. teacher, the Aflac duck, Bizarro, Paul Reubens(not Pee-Wee), Moby, Hobo with golden voice, Octomom (& brood), slice of deli meat, Mel Gibson's beard, Stephen Hawking's wheelchair, Cthulhu, Paris Hilton's dog, and zombie Abe Lincoln]."
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