
Tuesday, January 25, 2011

At the end of the day...

All that matters is what you've accomplished and what you can look back on and smile about, right?

Well in that case, I suppose this was a productive day. Despite my general disregard for Mondays, I think they're not as bad as I make them out to be. I mean, within 11.5 hours, I have 8.5 hours of class, but one of them is design, which, although is oftentimes mentally exhausting (and, as of late, physically exhausting as well), is probably my favorite class. The next is drawing which, once again, is straining on the eyes, but it allows for a complete escape from the real world for three hours. Take today's work, for example:
My study of a skull. The skull had bad lighting, which was made worse by my complete impatience with the medium (colored pencil). I learned, however and will definitely take this to heart in the final project!

This is the outline of my final project. Picture this: Upper left skull in warm colors, upper right and lower left in cool colors, and bottom right in a complete rainbow (like my study, but brighter and therefore, better).

And econ will be econ, and now, even though I'm reflecting on my day, I still have homework to do, but I needed a mental break so I came here. But when I put things off too long, and even though this was a relatively short post, there's a History of Film textbook screaming my name from my backpack, and it's finally getting on my nerves.

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