
Saturday, January 29, 2011

Fantastic Fridays

Fridays are great for a few reasons: I don't have class on Fridays. Track is always super short on Fridays. And my friends and I always think of the most creative things to do on Fridays.

I spent most of my day, while everyone was in class, relaxing in my room and relishing in having the time to do my homework, even though I wasn't. I found this amazing website, which is for an amazing cause, and at the same time, looks amazing. It's called The Giving Keys. I almost immediately ordered one, mine reading DBWH, which stands for DREAM BIG WORK HARD. Can't wait for it to come in the mail and I assure, pictures will follow its arrival!

I went for a run today since Moorhead is pretty much under a heat advisory. It was nice to be able to run outside, in only one layer of Under Armour, and to not have your breath freeze to your face/hair (if you've never experienced this before, well, con-grad-u-fricking-lations, it's a pleasure).

After dinner the festivities began. Hobby Lobby (aka one of the best stores, ever) led to The Dollar Store which led to this:

"Drinking glasses" and a grill. Best $1.75 ever spent? You decide.

Which eventually led to this:

Soon after this picture was taken, large amounts of her beverage were in fact spilled all over my nice white rug.

I had read on another blog a few days ago how to do something called a "Newsprint Manicure" and we decided to try it. It ended up working really, really well, which I didn't expect, but I'm definitely excited to experiment with this concept more in the future. Here's what the final product looked like:

The pictures are kind of bad, but basically, those are comic strips, text and a crossword puzzle pressed onto my fingernails. And it was really, really easy. Here's a step-by-step:

1. Paint your nails white. I recommend two coats.
2. Allow to dry (take this time to find little pictures/words you want from the paper. Keep in mind everything will get pressed on backwards.)
3. Dip a nail into rubbing alcohol for a few seconds, then take it out, and while it's still wet, press the newspaper directly onto the nail.
4. Rub on for a few seconds, then remove and wa-lah! 
5. Put a top coat on.

Since we're obsessed with those clip-in colored hair extensions, when a friend of mine who goes to school in Denver told me about the trend there of having feathers in your hair, I knew we had to try it. She said you have to get it done in a salon, and being my rebellious self, I said, "I bet I can find it on the Internet." And I did. Here's a picture of what I ended up ordering:
Super excited for them to come, hopefully closing the crimp beads isn't too much of a hassle. My dad will harass me for becoming a hippie, but I'm really just a trend-setter.

And the night ended early, but not before I learned how to knit. It took me about 15 tries before I got the hang of it, but even now, it's as easy as pie. Here's how far I got on the scarf I'm making:

Notice the Newspaper Manicure holding up the project- classy.

So all in all, it was an early night, but I do have a track meet tomorrow, so I suppose it's good that I'll get some sleep. I'm pretty sure my roommate came in the room 20 minutes ago and is already snoring. I'll end with a quote from the movie we watched while all this was happening: Dinner for Schmucks.

"So dare to dream. Dream your wildest dreams. You can climb the highest mountain. You can drown in a teacup, if you find a big enough teacup. And if somebody tells you that you can't do something, you say, 'Yes, I can. 'Cause I'm doing it right now!'"

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