
Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Two posts in one day? What is this?

Just a few things to add to my day, since most of what I did/thought about all day was the Oscars.

Why haven't I heard of this already? This is AMAZING. First of all, I had no idea Scarlett Johannson could sing, and I thought Pete Yorn would never sound un-depressing and peppy, but WOW. Love this album, definitely worth the legal download! And seriously, it was released over a year ago? WTF WHY DIDN'T ANYONE TELL ME?

Second, I would just like to add that throwers are extremely good at playing basketball. Where else can you go, throw heavy shit for an hour and a half, then play a near-45-minute pick-up game of ball? And OMAHA did work every time. If you're a basketball guru, don't even ask about OMAHA, it's not worth learning, really.

Third, there is currently a (I never thought I'd be saying this) HEAT WAVE hitting Moorhead. It got up to 21 degrees today! 21 whole freaking degrees and there was little to no wind, so it felt pretty much like that. I didn't wear a hat to class today, and my ears didn't fall off. If only the sidewalks were paved, I would've run forever outside.

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