
Wednesday, January 26, 2011

"How will your legs feel tomorrow?" "I have legs?"

So first of all, soccer is great and all, but wall sits, lunges and killers combined = one sore night. And probably an even sorer tomorrow. But hey, what doesn't kill you makes you stronger, right?

Anyway, I had double dose of art today and am feeling very accomplished about my work so here's a little something-something for ya:
Probably not very impressive, but it's getting there. The assignment is to make an article of clothing, life-size, out of this tie-wire. I'm making a onesie. You can kind of see how one leg is done, and I started on the foot. Still many, many hours to go, but at least it's starting to look like something now.

Close-up of the straight-on skull on the bottom right corner of my composition. This is as far as I got on this part, the next step will be to get some color in there (see what's below). As you can clearly see, I'm pretty much beast at drawing teeth... NOT.

Close up of the shading on the bottom left skull.
Here's the same skull, after doing some color work. It's pretty close to being done, just needs a few touch ups. Not totally psyched about it, it doesn't really look like what I expected or wanted, but we'll have to wait and see what the rest of the composition looks like before I make a final judgement. It's a little flat looking for my taste, so I might try and get some more cross-contour lines to add some depth/roundness to the whole thing.

I just really liked how, because of my pallet, the teeth look like they're rotting.

That was pretty much my day- woke up at 6AM for a private track practice (and what a joy it was!), went to design, went to drawing, went to soccer, went to an art colloquium, watched Off the Map, and now I'm here.

I did hear, however, that Clay Matthews signed a hair deal with Suave. This made my day very exciting because I'm excited to see him whip his hair around on TV, if they ever do a commercial.

And my final little blurb here would have to be about a topic my coach talked to us about at practice today: blind soccer. We were passing and he stopped us and asked us if we could hear whether or not we made and good pass. Then he went into this lecture about "blind soccer" and how it's a really big deal in Europe and Asia and if we ever got the chance to play, it would be an awesome experience. Being naturally curious, I had to look this up, and let me tell you, I am floored! These people run around, blindfolded (so no matter how blind you are, everyone's equal) and play soccer. And they actually (sort of) look like they know what they're doing. Here's a cool-ish shorter video I found of it on YouTube:
I want to try this real bad! It looks like they don't blindfold the goalies, though. It took me a while to figure out why until I thought about how long I would last in a goal, blindfolded. Ha. But it'd be fun to try out the field!

Film History is once again calling my name, so have an awesome night (or rest of the day!) and STAY CLASSY, STAY SASSY.

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