
Thursday, January 27, 2011

It's the freekin' weekend. And all I want to do is sleep.

I don't have class on Fridays and every Thursday during the day, I make it a resolution to do half of my homework for the weekend before I go to bed, since I can sleep in as late as I want on Fridays. This rarely (or has never) happened because of the Internet. And when I find cool things to do on the Internet, the fun never ends.

Like, I found this, and I plan on doing it. Maybe all in one day. Are you going to stop me?

And then my friends post videos like this on my Facebook wall:

And in case you were wondering, no, I did not watch the whole thing.

But there's been a heatwave in Moorhead this week, and for those of you reading who think you have it bad, a heatwave here means it's been in the upper 20's. It was 31 today. There is slush on the sidewalks. I almost wanted to wear my rain boots. I hope it's like this tomorrow so I can go outside and run for the first time since December. 

This warm weather makes me think of spring, which is misleading (for two reasons: it's not really warm here in the spring, and spring won't be here for another 6 weeks or so), but so many good things happen in the spring:
Baseball games start in the spring. And with the Twins outdoor stadium, it's even more fun.

Beaches happen in the summer, which is the season after spring.

Boats happen in the spring/summer.

BONFIRES happen in the spring/summer. And I really, really, like s'mores.
And finally, general awesomeness happens in the spring.

So I guess we should all embrace this "springtime" weather now, before it gets unhealthily cold again. And I think I'll end with a Charlie Chaplin quote, since we watched "Gold Rush" today in Film History.

"Words are cheap. The biggest thing you can say is 'elephant'."

1 comment:

Megan said...

hiya! So happy to hear someone ordered a giving key! Mine says love. Caitlin Crosby(the founder) is one of best friends and I am SO excited about this new venture of hers. I think it is brilliant. Except I kinda don't want to give mine away...hehe :)

adorable blog!!
