
Wednesday, March 9, 2011

"Do you want this fish stick?" "I don't need another one I've had like, a million already." "No, you've had eight."

Ahhhh, Wednesday down, Thursday and Friday morning to go. ALMOST THERE. SO CLOSE. Good news is I believe (or rather, I hope) that I don't have anything due for the rest of the week so I have to go to class but it'll be pretty low stress. Awesome.

Since I promised, my Video Production project finally finished uploading (at 7:37am... That took a LONG time...) and I'll share it with you. Like I said, don't judge me, it was my first try.

We started a brand new project in Design today (the day before break? REALLY?) and this is what I had to bring to class:
Plastiline, wood chisels, a rubber mallet, duct tape, 8lbs Plaster of Paris and a cardboard box. WHAT DOES IT MEAN? It means I'm going to die, that's what. I'm doing an impossible project in Drawing and Design now. This is not good, people, not good.

I turned my sketchbook assignments in for Drawing and we didn't even critique them which means that I won't know how bad I am until after Spring Break, so there's a chance I could go through break disillusioned about my oil pastel skills, which is good, I guess. But here's what was accomplished in my last three hours of drawing before spring break:
What? Is that what I think it is? Well, if you think it's a staple remover shoved all up in that orange's business, then yes, it is what you think it is. I didn't want to do it, but all my drawing friends are bad influences and they were like, "Just do it, you have to draw it, it'll only make it easier, don't question it, just do it." And I did.
Here's what I used that masterpiece above to draw. Note how little what I drew looks like the real thing. Totally not helpful at all. But that's ok. This is just a rough draft of a product that will be eight times larger (on exactly 4 sheets of Fabriano Tizziano 50x65 paper... For you art nerds out there). But at least it looks like there is some improvement in my oil pastel usage.

I don't really have anything else to say except that I'm hungry but all I have in my room is sugar and right now we're on this "Food Restriction Period" (my non-participating friend won't let us call it a diet because it's not a diet, it's just not eating dessert seven times a day) so I can't eat it. I have to end with a quote that pretty much sums up how I feel about dieting anyway. By Don Kardong (no idea who that is):

"Avoid any diet that discourages the use of hot fudge."


c e a f said...

seems like the art student motto is, "just do it." i recall you and the rest of our table telling me to just do it in design yesterday morning. so ha. oh hey tori, have a good spring break! :)

Tory Hoffman said...

Oh hey, Claire. Have a good break... I mean, see you later...

JUST DO IT. We should make an official sign or something.