
Wednesday, March 2, 2011

"Yeah, location is pretty self-explanatory. I put a tree in the corner of the room."

AWESOME day. Full of art, soccer and a party! But before I get into the grit of my day, I have to start by announcing that Charlie Sheen started a Twitter page just over 24 hours ago, and he already has over 1,000,000 followers. #teamsheen, #winning and #tigerblood are already trending on Twitter. This man has too much power for his own good. Hopefully he uses it wisely. And this website cracks me up.

Enough about Charlie Sheen, though. So this morning we finally revealed our design project. It was awesome. There are a few things we need to adjust before grading but besides that it received a good critique and was well received by the class. Here's what you've all been waiting for:
This is called Tea Cup #1. It goes at the beginning of our series of three tea cups, pictured (poorly) below.

Our series of teacups, tipping over. We had a table cloth set up for our presentation and we wore dresses and just did awesome.

The middle teacup. This one moves because I propped it up on a wire spring, and it's AWESOME. Sorry but it seems as if I forgot to take a picture of the third one, but it needs the most work anyway so that's ok!

So then Drawing happened. We began working on another type of abstraction called "location" which is pretty self-explanatory. I decided to draw a farm-landish area with a giant high tech fancy looking office building on the side of the road. So I started that but I kept getting distracted by this other piece of art behind me and I took a break from drawing my farm and started trying to replicate it on my paper. So it kind of looks weird now, because then I went back and tried to finish. But here's what I accomplished:
My final piece. Parts of it are starting to resemble things, but that blob is just really distracting!
A close up of the blob. Which doesn't look anything like what I was trying to replicate. But it was pretty fun to make, just smearing oil pastel around with my fingers.

The completed section (or at least near-completed) of my farm. You can see the ghost of the tractor that I decided not to include. I think oil pastels are going to be hard to work with. They kind of just smear everywhere and get into places they don't belong. Icky.

Straight from drawing, I went to soccer. We started real indoor practices today (as opposed to the conditioning/small group sessions we were having before) and it went well. Except for the fact that everyone on our team is getting sick (including my roommate... knocking on wood!) we had a good practice. After my coach tried to get us to move washers on a string with our minds. It was weird, but for some reason, it worked. Like, he just gave everyone a washer tied to the end of a string and was like, if you have a positive attitude and concentrate on moving the washer in circles, or back and forth, you can make it move. And it did, kind of. But I was really happy when we started playing soccer.

Then, the awesome part of my day happened. Straight from soccer I went to dinner with a bunch of people for a friend's birthday! We ate at Applebee's where we had delicious food, then went to Wal-Mart where we played a scavenger hunt type of game (three categories: find the biggest orange thing, the fluffiest thing and the thing birthday girl wanted most for her birthday), then ended the night with some ice cream at Culvers. It was delicious and awesome! And it was nice to get out of the dorm on a school night because that hasn't been happening lately!
When the waitress brought birthday girl's dessert out, she said, "Be careful, I've never tied three balloons to a spoon before." Well it turns out that balloons can carry a spoon away, so be careful.
So for those of you keeping track, I was busy and out of my room from about 1:30pm today until about 10:30pm. Oh the woes of being a student-athlete!

To add to the sheer excitement of today's post I think I'll share with you my next pair of running shoes just because they're awesome.
I like the ones of the right more, even though they're the men's. I probably wouldn't fit into the women's anyway. So yeah, when you start seeing these around, you'll know it's me!

To end, I'd like to make a transition sentence that ties my conclusion with my introduction, a technique taught to many a student on how to write a proper essay. So it's only fitting that I finish with a Charlie Sheen quote, taken from that website I posted earlier. No idea what it means or where it comes from but hey, taken completely out of context, it's pretty funny (or not, depending on how you look at it, I guess).

"Your face will melt off and your children will weep over your exploded body."

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