
Tuesday, March 22, 2011

"I want to swim and tan over the summer. Swim and tan. While I'm tanning do you want to swim or tan? If I tan can I swim? What if I want to swim and tan. I want to tan. Want to swim with me this summer? No I want to swim and tan. But I can swim while I'm tanning. But I want to swim...."

Mondays, Mondays, Mondays. This was the best Monday yet because my night class got cancelled! So I only had six hours of class compared to the normal 8.5. Awesome.

So anyway, getting back into the swing of things was hard. Design was first on my schedule and let me tell you, nothing beats waking up to inhaling a huge cloud of toxic plaster dust. Here's what I accomplished:
This is a Plastiline figure of what my plaster project is "going to look like." If I have to take a guess right now, I'm going to say that it doesn't end up looking like that. But we'll see.

And here's the giant block of plaster I have to carve it out of. I called on my inner Michaelangelo to help and guide me, and this is what he helped me accomplish. What great guidance. NOT EXCITED to try and do more. Scared out of my mind, actually.

We went back to work on our really, really big abstraction pieces in Drawing as well, but I only got mine drawn out and since it's abstract (and pencil on dark green paper) if I had taken a picture of it, you probably wouldn't have seen anything. So I'll wait until I get some pastel in there to show you. But it's probably going to be bad, because oil pastels are the medium of the devil.

As I was eating dinner, I got a text from a friend very excitedly telling me that my night class was canceled. This was awesome. So instead of going to Economics, I went back to my room, worked out for a solid two hours and then worked on lots and lots of homework. I wrote a film history paper and then cranked out two near perfect platonic solids:
Everyone, meet Truncated Cube. He is nearly perfect, just a little off on the part resting on the table. But since you can't see that part, I think it'll be OK. I'm scared to decorate this one at all because it was such a pain to figure out, and I don't have the time to do it again if I ruin it. So I think this is a finished project!

Now everyone, meet Ke$ha Octohedron. Ke$ha Octohedron is perfect! And covered in glitter! I made a really big mess in our study lounge but since no one else was in there (it was midnight) I decided it was OK and made sure to clean up after myself. But then I kind of crushed it bringing it back to my room. I'll have to see how it dries but hopefully it's not ruined because that was A LOT of glitter...

Besides all of that, the only other exciting thing I did today was wear my new running shoes to the gym. I got a few "nice shoes" from random people and they are really comfortable. Good buy. And I guess Moorhead is officially under a "winter storm warning." It is supposed to start raining anytime now and that rain is going to turn into freezing rain, which will turn into sleet which will turn into snow which is going to ruin my tomorrow. They're predicting anywhere from 8-16 inches. Seriously? GO AWAY, SNOW, NO ONE WANTS YOU.

In honor of both my need for a good laugh and March Madness, I found a joke appropriate for both to end this post with:

"The psychology instructor had just finished a lecture on mental health and was giving an oral test.

Speaking specifically about manic depression, she asked, "How would you diagnose a patient who walks back and forth screaming at the top of his lungs one minute, then sits in a chair weeping uncontrollably the next?"

A young man in the rear raised his hand and answered, "A basketball coach?""

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