
Sunday, March 20, 2011

RECAP: Spring Break 2011

Sorry for the long delay in this post. I know you've all been dying to know what I've done over my break. Well, let me give you a quick rundown:

First of all, and maybe most importantly, Japan happened. We all know what happened over there (if you don't, do you live under a rock?) and I think we should all keep them in our thoughts and prayers!

I'm working on my fourth bag of Sweet Tart jelly beans. Don't fall into the same trap I did and try them. You'll never want to stop, and you'll completely lose your appetite for anything else. But really, they're the best thing since... Oreos, I think.

I learned about this video on Friday. Just watch it and then never tell me you don't know what order the days of the week go. And if you ever ask me what day of the week it is I will tell you that it is "FRIDAY FRIDAY" and that I'm going to have "FUN FUN FUN FUN." And even though you will questions whether or not this is a serious project, from beginning to end, I have to admire Rebecca Black for being such a trooper and going on national television and sticking up for herself and even poking fun at herself on her Twitter. If you have no idea what I'm talking about, it's this:

I finished two of my three crafting endeavors. I couldn't find a mirror to make the mirror with, so I decided to wait until summer and maybe try to find a garage sale mirror somewhere! But I made the lamp and it turned out really sweet, and now it's just sitting in my house, at home, doing nothing. Maybe Mom will plug it in somewhere and turn it on when she needs to be reminded of me. Or maybe it'll just sit in the middle of the dining room table until I come home. Who knows. But this is what it ended up looking like:
Very cool looking. And that is a $7 light bulb in there, so luckily it is bright enough to shine a decent amount of light through the negatives. Plus you can see all my amateur photography!

I got two new pairs of shoes. Some fresh Nike kicks (in off white and green!) and my Gel Noosa Tri 6's. Awesome. I haven't gotten to run in them though because I got them on Saturday but I am super pumped to give them a real go this week.

I watched four awesome movies over break:
I saw this in the theaters. It was bad because I was super distracted the whole time and kept wanting to just get up and do something, so I had to keep telling myself that "I'm in a movie theater, sit down and watch this movie." And I tried. And it was a really good movie. Animation was super, music was SUPER SUPER (I downloaded the soundtrack. Just the music makes me want to go to the desert.) and the voices were SUPER SUPER SUPER. I would have loved this, had I not been so darn ADD that night and I'm excited for it to come out on DVD so I can watch it again!
This is a documentary basically designed to counter everything in "Supersize Me." And it did its job. The guy who makes this is funnier that Supersize Me Man, he talks to more real doctors than Supersize Me Man and he goes on a more realistic diet that Supersize Me Man. Basically, if you're too lazy to watch this (but really, if you want a really good movie about dieting and food, you should definitely watch this) all it comes down to is: Avoid carbs as often as you can. Don't go out of your way to avoid saturated fats, they are actually good for you. Don't eat trans fats. And last, it's better to be obese but active than to be a healthy weight and not exercising. But really. Just watch it, if anything, it's a really funny documentary.
It's a mockumentary about frozen food enthusiasts who participate in other activities such as competitive freeway sports (I Spy and the alphabet game), christian punk rock, dressing up as a "klown" and "kutting" kids hair and working at an abstinence center. Beginning is funny, middle is funny, end is funny. Makes you feel happy to have real hobbies and interests.
If you've seen the previews for the upcoming Russell Brand movie "Arthur," you may be surprised to learn that that movie is a remake. I was. And I watched the original and I have to say, it'll be hard to top. The original was nominated for and won some Oscars (much deserved) which is almost unheard of for comedies. I thought for a while after watching this that there was no way anyone could top it. However, after analyzing the situation, I came to the conclusion that if anyone were to give a better performance in the role of Arthur, it would be Russell Brand. So I'm interested to see the new one and compare the two!

To cap off a great weekend, some friends and I went to SkyZone. SkyZone is like a hyper-active-super-athletic-awesome-place-to-do-things-that-might-kill-you-in-the-real-world playground. Basically, it's a bunch of courts that have trampolines as floors, and walls. They have dodgeball, on trampolines. They have foam pits, on trampolines. And they just have big areas, full of trampolines. Jumping on the ground will never be the same. If you don't believe me, watch this video, WE DID THIS (but it wasn't nearly as cool because there were abot 2o38472834623 more people playing than that, but still, WE DID THAT):


So besides all of this, I just did a lot of running, did AbRipperX a few times (highly recommend it, my abs hurt real bad) and slept. I even did homework and applied for jobs for the summer. And last night, I fell asleep to a thunderstorm. Spring is coming, and Moorhead is under a winter weather advisory this week. Heavy snowfall predicted on Tuesday. MY LIFE IS AWESOME, RIGHT?

I'll end with a little quote which I think describes how I feel right now. From the movie Rango:

"The animals here have had millions of years to adapt to the harsh conditions. But the lizard? He is going to die." (I'm the lizard.)

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