
Wednesday, March 23, 2011

"Ice pellets are like nature's Dippin' Dots!"

Ok, Moorhead, thank you for a wonderful beginning of spring. I looked it up, spring officially started on March 20th. And right now, the outdoors is blizzarding. Earlier today, we thought there was a thunderstorm because we heard thunder and saw flashes and we ran outside to jump in the rain and got bombarded by ice pellets instead. It was terrible. And now it's straight up snowing buckets and the wind is blowing so hard the icicles on the light post outside my window are actually frozen crooked. I'm too upset to share a picture of the current conditions but here's what the ground looked like maybe 20 minutes into the ice pellets (they happened for maybe 2 hours total):
I had to take the picture while I was walking because it hurts to get hit by these things and stopping to take a picture would only have increased my pain. But basically, it's just like hail except ice pellets.

The only good thing that could come out of all of this is having no class tomorrow. However, as of 1AM, we still have class tomorrow. They're predicting a total of 10 inches now and 6 of them falling between tonight and 6AM tomorrow morning. Those sound like conditions enough to cancel class. But I guess now all I can hope for is to wake up to a nice text message canceling them.

Since I so wanted class to be canceled, I waited as long as possible to finish making my platonic solids. That was about 10PM. I was in our little study room, alone, until midnight. And I made a whole bunch of failure-cubes and one good one. Here's what I accomplished:
This is my good truncated cube laughing at all of my failure cubes. I tried twice to make a "twisted cube" but they were both terrible. I tried once to make a truncated cube and failed miserably. And I tried to draw just a normal cube and couldn't for some reason get it to work so the whole sheet was scrapped (and maybe I dragged the whole thing through glue, too).

But this is my good, near-perfect, truncated cube. I should have decorated it but I was looking whatever remained of my sanity when I finally got it done so it's just going to be light purple. Which is a nice color so no one should complain.

I practiced the hammer in track today. First time ever. Let me tell you, if I don't kill someone doing this, anything is possible. And my back hurts real bad. But my coach says I have to throw it even if I don't want to, and he says it's going to piss me off for the whole season, but that I have to do it. It's almost like track isn't a democracy, and our coach is the dictator. Hmm...

We spent a large portion of our night wasting time. When the sky turned purple (yeah, like really, really purple) we went to the 12th floor of our dorm building, which is like a pent house, a round room of windows, and hung out and watched the terrible weather. We might have parkoured around the edges as well, and climbed some of the beams. I got about 7 CDs worth of music from my friend. We watched this little clip about 30 times. And after watching a whole episode of Tosh.0 we decided to face the facts and get started on homework. And now I need to face the facts and go to bed, because it looks like we're going to class tomorrow. I'll let you know how that turns out.

So that was a very A.D.D. post for you. I guess I'm just trying to waste time until I get the text message declaring a cancellation of classes for tomorrow. But all good things must come to an end and I need to end this. So I'll finish with a quote I found on the same website as the llama clip. It was on an advertisment for the Smithsonian "Historically Hardcore" campaign and is kind of inspiring and funny.

"50 Cent got shot and still whines about it on stage. Teddy Roosevelt got shot mid-speech and didn't leave the stage until he was finished."

(PS It sounds like there is a constant rumble of thunder outside. It might just be a train, but I think it's the weather and it means we should not have class tomorrow.)

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