
Wednesday, March 23, 2011

"I could just stand in your room and sing that song and I'd be happy!"

So let me tell you, I have never been so excited with anticipation before. I woke up at exactly 8:00AM and for the 17 seconds it took me to turn my alarm off, find my phone and check the text messages, my heart was probably beating 300 times a minute. And, it was totally worth it because when I checked my phone, I learned that campus was closed until noon. So I went back to bed, but not before I read the message like, 7 more times just to make sure. So I only had one class today, and it wasn't until 2.

We had a real soccer practice on turf today. We were really excited about it until we learned that the "turf field" was really just a concrete floor with turf-colored carpet on it. Ouchie knees right now, but at least I got to do some real goalkeeping!

During drawing I listened to a good mix of music, including The Flight of the Conchords, Florence + The Machine, 500 Days of Summer and Basshunter. Interesting playlist, to say the least.

Besides all of that, nothing really happened. But I did learn an interesting fact. And it's true because I looked it up and verified. The less you sleep, the more you dream. True. Because when you miss REM sleep, your body has to make it up, so when you keep missing it, you go into REM faster and for longer periods of time. That's probably why I have such vivid dreams sometimes. Just an interesting fact for you!

I feel obliged to share something visual with you, so I'll put some funny Internet pictures up for you to LOL at:
I don't know what to write here, but this made me laugh really hard, for some reason.

I'm going to try this sometime, now that I know the process.

Ha ha, Zune, ha ha.

Enough said?

I'll end with the other quote I found from the Smithsonian's "Historically Hardcore" campaign!

"Bret Michaels got with every chick on the love bus. Genghis Khan got with so many chicks there's a .5% you're related to him."

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