
Wednesday, February 2, 2011

"At least is doesn't look like a dead person... A DEAD PERSON."

So this is gonna be a quickie because it's almost 1am and I have a 6am wake up call tomorrow. But basically I just spent 4 hours of my life finishing this up:
Yes, that is the infamous wire onesie. And it's almost complete. I traded my professor four hours tonight in exchange for a short nap after practice tomorrow morning so I can come to class late. Oh, the things professors are willing to do to make your life better/easier/less stressful! All you have to do is ask!

I'll end with a quote I believe is fitting for how I feel right now:

“I'm sick and tired of being sick and tired.” -Fannie Lou Hamer

1 comment:

Judy said...

It doesn't look like a dead person - a topless person! Cool!