
Tuesday, February 22, 2011

"Gravity becomes the most dangerous force of nature when working with art in three dimensions."

As far as Mondays go, this one didn't suck. Got a lot of art done and made it through our shortened Econ class. Then I got a solid workout in and decided to save my homework until tomorrow (maybe not my best decision but I'm taking advantage of the fact that I'm in a good mood but extremely tired to get a good night's sleep. As JJ Watt always says: work + rest = success!).

So we're working on that indescribable project in design and even though I can't- or don't really want to- explain what we're doing, here's a few pictures of what I accomplished today, just to peak your curiousity a little:
Some watercolor washes. I love watercolor painting and I wish I was better at it. But I have developed a strange talent for making washes like these.

Coffee cup sleeves hot glued to newspaper. Confused yet?

Drawing was more stressful today that usual because we are still working on our portrait but now we're starting to add color and I've never really used chalk pastels before so it's kind of a new experience for me. But I'm starting to get the hang of it and even though right now, Wolverine looks more like Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer, I recognize what I need to do to fix it and I can do it! I debated whether or not I would put my progress up here, but I just decided that I should because even though it's bad, it's going to get better and when it turns out awesome and I tell you how bad it was no one will believe me. So this is proof that once, this project was a mess:
He kind of looks like someone from Jersey Shore because his face is orange. And the picture doesn't do his nose justice but in real life it's a little more red and he looks like a reindeer. His ear doesn't even begin to match the rest of the head and I ended with the shadow on his neck, which is purple right now. Lots of work to do but I'm willing to do it so hopefully it ends up OK!

I just hope that this week goes by quickly. And then the next two weeks go quickly too. Because then it's BAM spring break and then BAM end of school. And even though the realization that my first year in college is almost over is both sad and shocking, 19 credits and two sports is kicking my ass right now and I am so ready for a break. And summer. Because winter sucks (did you know I hated winter?) and I want to go to the beach and sit in the sunshine.

To finish I'll end with a quote I read somewhere today. I don't know who it's by, and it didn't turn up any search results on the Internet but it peaked my curiousity and I like it. So here it is:

"For how does one know that the thoughts that come to us in dreams are any more false than others, given that they are often no less vivid and explicit?"

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