
Wednesday, February 9, 2011

"That's awesome!"

So I'd like to start by saying today was not a very exciting day, except for one thing. Since I wrote about JJ Watt yesterday in my blog, I posted it on Twitter and sent it to him AND HE READ IT, RETWEETED IT AND SAID "THAT'S AWESOME" BACK TO ME. It was actually the first thing I read this morning. I think it's fair that I can get excited about this. Definitely the highlight of my day (you can tell what kind of a day it was, but seriously, JJ Watt read my blog. I feel the DBWH power rubbing off already!).

Since nothing super exciting happened, I just have some more pictures of what I worked on today. It's a sketchbook assignment, due tomorrow, focusing on the face and parts of the head. Sounds boring but it's actually really exciting (and when we talked about lighting in video production today, all I wanted to do was tell her to stop moving the lights around for like, five minutes so I could draw the model with the perfect lighting).
I'll start with my least favorite and weakest feature- the nose. The upper right one is fine, and the bottom definitely has potential, but can someone please tell me what's on the upper left? I don't know what it is and I drew it.
Also not my strongest, but definitely better than my noses. I think they're all about equal except the one on the bottom looks like a skunk with a handlebar moustache.
My eyes are alright. I was drawing from these stone carvings, though, so I feel like they're a little unrealistic because the actual eyeball didn't have any sort of gleam/glare for me to include, so I made it up. and the bottom one is a little incomplete because I told myself I would be done by midnight and I was finishing that one up around 12:05, so I just had to be done! Gotta stick to the plan!
And finally, my favorites. My ears. I just really like how my style makes them look, kind of sketchy and abstracted but at the same time realistic enough to make them look like ears. Once again, I was drawing from stone carvings though so I didn't get a good grasp of what it looks like around them, or where hair would go.
So that's what I did tonight. We start working on a 12 hour session tomorrow, with a real model in class so hopefully I can get everything to work together and start the semester off with two good projects. (And not dig myself into a huge hole like I did last semester).

That was pretty much my day. Nothing too special. I'll end with a quote from one of my all-time favorite movies that you've never heard of, "Kabluey." It's a great movie and I love it dearly and I want to watch it the next time I have more than five minutes to sit and enjoy myself.

"Alright, now, which night-light? Annubis, Egyptian Jackal God? Or melted football shape?"

Good night (or good morning, or good day, depending on who you are)!

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