
Thursday, February 3, 2011

"I think I'll own the ears, they're a lot like drapery."

Once again, this is going to be short and sweet! I've been in the drawing studio for the past five hours working on my skull project and it's still not done, but I would say I'm close to 85% of the way there. Here's some pictures of my progress:
This is about 75% complete. I started the last one, but the warm colors made my eyes hurt so I decided I could save it for another day (or night) (or early morning for that matter).

Here's a close-up of the rainbow skull, which I think turned out pretty cool. It looks a lot better in person, the whole room was dark and my paper is really dusty so it looks faded but that's ok, it's still sweet!

And here's the other cool colored skull. I am really, really sick of those pencils and most of them are nubs now anyway so it's not like I'll be able to use them anymore this semester.

Plus, I did finish my wire onesie in class today. It took about an hour of work (I got there at about 10:30 and only worked until 11:20), but it's not worth sharing another picture because it looks almost exactly the same as it did last night.

And finally, I guess when you try to walk home from the Center for the Arts at 2:45 in the morning, you must be punished. So I tried to cross the street and this is what I encountered:
Yeah, it's a snow pile just in the middle of the road. It's like the city of Moorhead wanted medians but didn't have enough money to get real ones so they made them out of snow. And blocked the crosswalk with them. There were footprints where other people stepped over, so maybe it's like, a permanent thing now. I'll start wearing my hiking boots to class.

Well it's getting late. Or early, depending on how you look at it. It's good I don't have class until 1:30 tomorrow (otherwise, I promise, I wouldn't be up this late). Since I listened accidentally (subconsciously knowing) to the same 60-song play list about three times through tonight, I'll share a song lyric from one of the songs that must have played last by Scarlett Johansson and Pete Yorn:

"Every night I tell myself/ "I am the cosmos/ I am the wind"/ But that don't get you back again."

(I'm not depressed or longing or anything, it's just stuck in my head because I've heard it at least four times in total today!)

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