
Wednesday, February 23, 2011

"How much does a polar bear weigh? Enough to break the ice. Hi."

Very long but surprisingly exciting day! If it weren't for the fact that I have to wake up at 5:30AM tomorrow to watch my soccer team run the beep test, in full knowledge of the fact that I'll have to run it by myself later, this would have been a good night, as well.

The big, big news is that my portrait of Wolverine is finally done! He sat for us one more day and I finished. No longer does Wolverine live in Jersey Shore-land. He's a real person now. Feels so good to be done!
Got the shoulders in proper proportion and fixed a few parts on the face. And thought of a clutch last minute idea for the background which actually worked out well. WHEW! DONE!

Just an intriguing pastel splatter on the floor. When asked why I was photographing the floor, I responded, "This dust caught my interest."

And we made progress on our mystery project in Design as well. I still can't tell you what it is because the random assortment of materials and objects we're collected so far will make for a super surprising end project. But here's a little of what we did today:
More washes. But just orange this time... Hmm...

Peace Tea cans, orange and green herring bone pattern and a thing that looks like a pizza tray. WHAT DOES IT MEAN?

We had a mandatory meeting for all student athletes today. It was about taking drugs and supplements and the NCAA's banned substance list. The very first slide said, "Don't wait until URINE trouble." Like "you're in" but also "urine," you know cause they test your urine... It was funny. The rest of the presentation, not so much. Except when we saw that there was a drug called "Man Scorch" and under side effects of using anabolic steroids there was a picture of a dragon.
Don't take this, or you'll turn into a dragon and be banned from the NCAA.

We had the opportunity to sign up for pen pals from other area colleges a few weeks ago and I, being the social person I am, signed up. I got his name today and wrote him a nice letter. It basically sounded like this:

Hi, how was your day? Was it good? Do you know how much a polar bear weighs? I do. Enough to break the ice. My name is Tory. (random true information about me). I like to make crispy treats, sing karaoke dressed as Ke$ha and stalk research famous people. I can't write on one sheet of paper so I layered lots of sheets to act as a comforter for my pen. What do you get when you turn an elephant into a cat? A cat. (more random but true information about me). Sometimes when I text my friends I like to pretend to be a gangster and write like this: yo wassup mah homedog? I just licked my roommate's envelope shut... Seductively. I have to wake up at 5:30AM tomorrow. Good bye. 

I think there's a good chance we'll be best friends.

Since I do have to wake up tomorrow at 5AM and still have a small amount of homework to finish, I really should probably go. I'll end with a quote from a song that I've recently become obsessed with. It's called "Science and Faith" by The Script, off their newest album called "Science and Faith," which I recommend everyone to buy because it's amazing. Here's my favorite line so far (I almost finished the whole album but I listened to this song about 15 times so I didn't quite make it straight through):

"You won't find faith or hope down a telescope/ you won't find heart or soul in the stars/ you can break everything down into chemicals/ but you can't explain a love like ours."

1 comment:

L-Pizzle said...

hahahaha i love the elephant joke!