
Tuesday, February 15, 2011

"I'll be your Valentine!"

Today was uneventful. And I don't even have drawings to show you because drawing class was canceled today. And all we did in design was brainstorm (which actually went really well, you should be excited to eventually see pictures of our next project).

Besides that I went on a longer run than yesterday, making the mistake of thinking that since it has now been above freezing for two days, there would be even less ice and snow on the sidewalks. Wrong. There was more ice and more water. Think of running on ice, covered in water and that's how my whole four miles went. Plus climbing over three foot high snow piles only to jump off the backside into an 8-inch puddle of water. It was both annoying and fantastic at the same time. I wish someone would follow me with a camera on one of my runs because I'm almost positive people who see me running laugh at me.

And I guess everyone expects me to say something about Valentine's Day. To be honest, I didn't even realize it was Valentine's Day until after my first class and my long run when I went to lunch and "Captain Valentine" made a surprise visit. It doesn't bother me that I didn't have a Valentine, and looking back I realize that I have cleverly planned all my previous relationships around the holiday, meaning that, yes, I have never had a real Valentine. This doesn't make me sad, or happy, it's just interesting.

I feel bad for not having anything more interesting to talk about so I'll share one of my favorite websites of all time with you. If you ever need some good workout songs, check it out. Not only is this a great website for discovering up and coming musical artists but there are also a number of DJs who will put whole sets on here for you to download for free. And if you're on on the right time, you might even catch a free limited download. I could spend hours on here. I made a whole Christmas-song-remix-playlist for our 12 hour car ride on Christmas Eve (it was only about 90 minutes of music, though) from this website. Sorry that's the best I can do for you today!

I'll end with a memorable tweet from Mikey ADHD, posted today. It makes no sense but it made me laugh and smile a little so I guess it's worth a shout out:


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