
Tuesday, February 15, 2011

"I've never taken drugs, but..."

But... But what?

Anyway, today was another average day. I finished my first Video Production test in 7 minutes and got no more than 6 questions wrong (out of 50). I didn't fall asleep in Film History and I knew the answers to some of Prof's questions (it's called reading the book, people, it's not that hard!!). I made myself dizzy to the point where I couldn't read the scoreboard on the gym wall anymore at track. I ate dinner and talked about where hot dogs came from (at the same time, unfortunately). Glee was on, but I blocked most of it out because it was Justin Bieber themed and I don't dig that. Raising Hope was funny though!

I did do this today:
It's called tensegrity, In theory, you should be able to throw it against  wall without it breaking because it can transfer the pressure to other points on itself. But my friend who so patiently helped me construct it pointed out that mine is made of a wooden dowel and dental floss so it probably wouldn't work. But there are lots of awesome tensegrity artworks out there, just Google search it!

I also constructed a piece of art that I've been working on for a while. It's definitely not done yet, but it's nice to have a point of reference to work from.

Right now, everything's just lightly taped down because I know I need to move some pieces around and fix some things. I want to somehow darken the background and bring out the colors in the "rays" shooting out of the head, basically add more contrast. I don't know how to add more color though because I cut those out of magazines. We'll see. Maybe darkening the background will be enough.

Tomorrow is definitely a rain boots day, I almost drowned in puddles on campus today they're so deep! And I'm already ready for Friday to come, this weekend is going to be awesome (no track meet! Amongst other things...) and I'm already ready for classes tomorrow to end.

I'll finish with a quote my track coach shared with us today about the importance of being the best you can be (and presumably better than everyone else), by the famous Maya Angelou (who knew she was talking about track and field when she said this?).

"I've learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel."

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