
Thursday, February 3, 2011

"If I give you a penny, will you give me a pair of scissors?"

Today was a long day. Not because it was boring, on the contrary it was a very exciting day, but because I was so tired all day. I will be in bed within the hour! Staying up until 3am is not for me to do everyday!

We're talking about French Impressionist Cinema right now in Film History and it's really, really interesting. We began with Dadaism, which is where a lot of experimental films began. Let me tell you, there are some really, really weird Dadaist films. We watched a few in class and between the mental state I was in (nearly unconscious) and what was showing on the screen, I was afraid I was in a nightmare. I felt like I was being "subliminalized," if that's a word. Here's an example of a Dadaist film we watched today:
That's some weird stuff! Just in case you were wondering, in its original format, it would have been silent, the music was added after. Watch it without sound. Creepy!

And another awesome thing happened today. This:
If Lil Wayne is on our side for the Superbowl, we can't lose! I mean, he already won one against Obama, so the Steelers should be no problem at all!

I also got my new phone in the mail today- it's super exciting! It's a HTC G2 with Google. It sound super high-tech and it is. I've been playing with it for a few hours and I still don't know what half of the things on it do. Good thing I don't actually have to use it until Monday! In the meantime, I'll eat all the yummy food my dad sent me with it!

I took a much needed break from art and design projects today, and homework in general. Usually I would be doing it until very late tonight but since I've been up so late the past two nights and I don't actually have class tomorrow, I thought I would treat myself!

I will end today by saying two things: 1) The snow median was cleared when I woke up this morning. And the sidewalks were very, very wide. Unnaturally wide. Weird... and 2) A quote from the film above. It's a weird film, and a weird quote, but I thought about it all day today and I actually found some meaning (maybe it makes me weird) in it. And I just realized that the video above doesn't subtitle the spinning French phrases, and there's not a (short and sweet) translation I can find on the Internet. Shoot, they were really quite funny to read! But I scribbled down two (the title is one) so I guess that's all you get!

"Among our selection of lazy hardware, I recommend the faucet which stops dripping when no one is listening."

I guess I like that because I don't want to be the faucet! Or in a collection of lazy hardware, for that matter!

1 comment:

greghoffman said...

In case you want to buy one of those pun-wheels (and have a _lot_ of money):