
Wednesday, February 9, 2011

"You just made this presenter's career!"

I just saw pretty much the freakiest thing ever. But I have to share my art with you first, to keep you reading until the end, otherwise you'll get so freaked out by what I tell you you won't look at my drawings.

We started working from a live model in drawing today. It's actually really fun because the model we're working from is male, and not too hard on the eyes. I know his name but he looks like Wolverine, so that's what we called him. We worked on a rough draft today, which sucks because I really like mine. And like everyone says, you can't recreate the same piece of art twice. So I guess I'll just have to live with having an awesome rough draft.
This was the preliminary sketch we did, just to make sure proportions were correct and such. I'm sitting at a really awkward angle, it's not quite a profile, but it's not quite 3/4s either. So I struggled a little with the facial features, and so did Prof so I didn't feel too bad. And I didn't quite get down to the shoulders so just don't look at them.
And I had some time left over so I went back in for shading and such and I really like how it turned out. I need to get some separation between the beard and the shadow above/around his jawline and work on the forehead a little, but I thought I would struggle with the hair, but it turned out pretty nicely (except for the top, but the rest of it is kind of cool).
So hopefully next week when we start the real thing, it'll look better (the real thing is on charcoal paper with full color pastel... Yikes!).

So now the thing everyone's been waiting for- the freakiest thing I think I've ever seen. There was this event in the theater tonight where this guy named Christopher Carter came in and performed for us. I was skeptical because it sounded like he was just one of those lame magician guys who "guess your card" and then do some other things. But it was really cool and really freaky. This guy could tell you anything about you. It was weird. And I thought he could have been bluffing until he guessed my bra color (he had duct-taped nickels to his eyes, then duct-taped a blindfold on top of the nickels). And he guessed all this other stuff about random people, and make lightbulbs light up from people's eyes and made people control things with their minds, and had pre-recorded messages about things that had just happened, it was just freaky. If you get the chance to see him at your school, GO, I promise you'll be amazed! I am not doing him justice in this post. He did this trick with our school (it looks like he does something different with every school):
Just amazing. And even though you know the whole time he's going to make the lightbulbs light up, you still are amazed when they actually do. WOW. If anyone can tell me how to do that, I'll... Buy them something.

I told myself I'd be in bed before midnight today because I've been up so late every night this week, so it's about that time. My quote today is actually a song. It's something that I heard once when I was really little, and it sometimes pops into my head, and my hope is for it to do the same with you, because it always brightens my day. (It's actually a link to the song on YouTube. Please watch, you will not be disappointed!)
Here's a link to the lyrics!

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