
Friday, February 18, 2011

"We wantum your wampum."

Ahh, Thursdays. Having no classes on Fridays has to make Thursdays my favorite day of classes. And I'll actually get to sleep in tomorrow, which is a first for Fridays this semester. Today was really only eventful because of the plans I made for this weekend.

I am filming my first ever video on Sunday. This is both exciting and sh*t-my-pants scary. I wrote a script and found an actor (thank the Lord I found someone on such short notice!) and actually got equipment reserved. Whew. Now just more planning and hopefully I remember enough of what we've learned so far in class to make a decent project.

I got two huge packages of food and other items in the mail this week. One from Grandma and one from my mom and brother. Because of them, I'm constantly eating and my room looks like this:
That's snacks on snacks. Pringles cans full of cookies, a whole jar of peanut butter, more chocolate than I think I can eat in a year and some Krazy Glue (thanks, Grandma). Not to mention, two pairs of gardening (sorry, I mean farm) gloves for picking up farm boys! Whew!

Our long awaited black light glow in the dark tie dye party is also tomorrow. The only bad news is that when I ordered the strobe light, something got messed up with the payment and I have no longer ordered a strobe light. But that's OK, because things will be glowing and tie dyed enough to be awesome without it.

I came across this random but hilarious video while on one of my friend's Facebook pages. I laughed and laughed and laughed until the end, when it got a little weird (creepy?). But definitely still worth the watch:

And finally, for today, I am debating buying this movie. It's an independent movie, I got the recommendation from someone who loved "Kabluey" as much as I did. So I did some research and thus far I have no heard any negative reviews about it, everyone who sees it loves the story and the visuals. There are three trailers but I thought this one was the best.

To wrap it up, this is a quote that you've probably heard before, but it made me think for a long time about having a good attitude and believing in yourself and what you want to accomplish. I encourage you to do the same. Said by the great Henry Ford:

"Whether you think you can, or can't, you're right."

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