
Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Revelation 14:13

It's a little hard for me to think about writing much of anything right now because I just found out my (Great) Aunt Sharon passed away. She had a stroke a while back, and even though we saw her at Christmas and she seemed to be doing alright, I guess things took a quick turn for the worse and she died earlier today. I myself wasn't extrememly close to her, but it's still very sad to hear, and I know some members of my family are really struggling right now. She is loved and missed greatly!

I still have other things to speak of, though, mostly my artwork. My wire onesie is almost complete, my professor actually got really, really excited because he claims he'll be in the classroom from "8pm to 2am! Or at least until 12!" tomorrow night so we can get it done before the Wednesday critique day. Sorry I forgot to take a picture of it, I think you can wait to see the completed project.

Drawing has been going well, until today. We started a new study on the human face and let me tell you, it's hard. I thought I was going to do alright until I started and then BAM! Suckiness. It's a good thing we're going to get lots of practice because here's what I need to improve from:

My friend had to ask what it was. In case you can't see it, either, it's a mouth. I didn't get enough time to work on it, but now I realize that more time probably wouldn't have saved it. Poor, poor mouth...

This is a nose, and it's much more recognizable than the previous picture. Not perfect, but also not as terribly embarrassing as the "mouth" in the last picture.
Now I only have two more mouths, two more noses, three eyes and three ears (ears? EARS? WHO DRAWS EARS?) to finish. And skull project is due Monday so that'll be up here as soon as I finish it!

And finally, something that made my 8.5 hour Monday a little better was seeing this truck outside our commons. Maybe it's my dirty, inappropriate, childish mind being immature (but seriously) but I thought it was so funny, I had to take a picture:
It's a "LOADMASTER." Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha I feel like a little kid laughing at this! But seriously, who names a garbage truck "LOADMASTER?" Especially one on a college campus? "Help us! Our city isn't clean!" "I can help you keep your city clean! I'm the LOADMASTER!" Ok, no more LOADMASTER jokes, promise!

I would like to end today's post with a Bible verse. I'm not extremely religious, but in honor of Aunt Sharon, I chose a passage to remember her by. It comes from Revelation, which for some reason, is my favorite book of the Bible (interesting little-known-fact about me?):

"And I heard a voice from heaven saying to me, Write, Blessed are the dead which die in the Lord from now on: Yes, said the Spirit, that they may rest from their labors; and their works do follow them." Revelation 14:13

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