
Monday, February 28, 2011

"Go in there, acting like soldiers preparing for battle tomorrow and scare the sh*t out of them."

I would like to apologize for the very very very long delay in updating this! I know all you spoiled readers of mine have had to go nearly four days without being informed about my life. I am sorry, but my life has just been so full lately it was hard for me to find time to do this. But I'm here now, and that's all that matters!

So it was a long weekend. I spent a disproportionate amount of time at the NSIC Indoor Conference Track meet. It was long, but it was worth it. I personally PRed in both shot put and weight throw (I did beat two people in the shot... who scratched out), and the boys won conference (girls placed 9th)! It was a very exciting day! It's a great day to be a Dragon!

So I guess my reason for not updating this last night would be due to the Oscars. I watched the whole thing, from the Red Carpet Live to the Best Picture. And I lost my family's Oscar Pool by one. It came down to best picture between my brother and I, and I lost. I had high hopes for "The Social Network" but I realized about halfway through the show that there was no way it was going to beat "The King's Speech" and I instantly regretted not choosing it. Besides that, it was pretty predictable. I thought Anne Hathaway and James Franco didn't make as big of a fool of themselves as they could have, and Hathaway had some interesting dresses. There were a lot of interesting dresses. I liked Natalie Portman and Mila Kunis's, but besides that, it was a pretty questionable dress night. And this was happening in our room throughout the whole show:
Meet Lambie and Brutus. Brutus belongs to me and Lambie belongs to a friend. They are not dating. They are friends with benefits and we had to tell them multiple times during the show to keep it down. They were sad to be separated at the end of the night.
That's all I really have to say about the Oscars, I went 17/24 so I can't say there were that many surprises for me but it was an interesting night!

This is a cat for you:

/. . \
| _ |
/| | | \
                                 ( ) _|_ ( )……………………
’ ” “ ” “ ‘
Don't question it, just enjoy it. 
Today was a long day, mostly because in Econ, I had this test that I unsuccessfully studied for this weekend. But we made some interesting art and if you're on your game, you'll start to see resemblance of something in my "mystery design project."
Everything is still there, it's just turning into something vaguely recognizable. Still nowhere near being done, but hey, we're getting closer.

My studies from drawing on "manipulation." In case you can't tell, it's a bottle. This was not my best. The purple one is supposed to be twisting but I couldn't get it right so it's just a bubble bottle instead. And the red yellow orange one is just boring. But I like shading with colored pencils so it was cool to do, anyway.

Study on "mutation." This is just more interesting. It was fun to draw and everything actually looks like something. There's a change! Don't ask why the shoe is there, I just started with that and couldn't really think of what to mutate it into so the bottle just went straight through it...

For people who care about the NFL or college football, you should be excited because the NFL Combine was this weekend. I have a few players on my radar who did well including JJ Watt (LB, Wisconsin), Christian Ponder (QB, Florida State), Blaine Gabbert (QB, Missouri), and of course Cam Newton (QB, Auburn). And then there's the sad, sad story of Casey Matthews (LB, Oregon) who injured his shoulder and couldn't showcase his talents. They're not sure if he'll be back for Oregon's Pro-Day in 10 days either, which I'm guessing could be a damper on his draft chances. But I'm sure that his family name will help him get a spot somewhere. It'll be sad to see it come down to that but it's better than not getting a chance at all! Go football!

Love this video. Will get me through Econ for the rest of the semester. Will also make mom (math teacher) and dad (engineer) happy because I can tell them I'm voluntarily studying math. Win.

I need to shower and get to bed. Tomorrow is my last day off before I go back to track and soccer (wtf two days off in one week? I think it's time for a run!) and I'd like to be awake to enjoy it! I'll end with a very inspiring quote from the deceased portion of the Oscars last night by recently deceased Lena Horne:

“It's not the load that breaks you down, it's the way you carry it.”

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