
Thursday, February 24, 2011

"Sorry, we're reminiscing about our childhood."

Ahh, Thursdays. If it weren't for waking up at 5:30AM to run (or watch my teammates run) the beep test (and getting chewed up about it afterward) it probably would have been a good day.

We're finally learning how to edit video in Video Production so I can finally start editing my project. Not that I'll have time for any editing anytime soon. But the thought of being able to at least get a start on it is very appealing to me.

Two things happened in Film History that made my day bittersweet. We were lectured at for a while then we watched a film ("Applause" which is a very good film, I actually enjoyed it). After the film (there was still 45 minutes of class) we realized that our professor was gone. Just gone. And the TA was also gone. So we sat there for about 15 minutes, waiting. And I kid you not, the minute we all get up to leave, he comes strolling into the room wondering where we were all going. FML. But he only had a few things to say so it wasn't too bad. The other thing I realized was while walking back to the dorms. I walk really, really slow. Even when I try to walk fast, it's just not that possible for me. I was just walking at my normal speed and a girl who was, no joke, no taller than 4'9" walks past me. And I tried to keep up. And it was hard for me. Her legs were as long as my shin bones. Her backpack almost dragged on the ground behind her because she was so small. And she walked faster than me. I don't know why my legs won't walk faster. I just can't walk that fast. Just. Can't.

I had a whole afternoon off today. Like, from 4:15pm today until 8:30am tomorrow morning, I actually have nothing. And I didn't know what to do with myself. Luckily I got the chance to go to Party City. And what's the first thing we see when we walk into Party City?
Candy City. It's like a sub-city of Party City and they had all the best candy from my childhood that you sometimes can't find in a normal store. So $3.00 and 15 minutes later, this is how happy I was:
This would be two Smarties suckers, some Necco Wafers, a large Laffy Taffy, an interesting sucker and a "Squirrel Nut Zipper" which I only got because someone's been listening to a band called the "Squirrel Nut Zippers" in the bathroom and I wanted to taste the music. It wasn't that good. And the Laffy Taffy didn't have the little black watermelon seeds that it used to have. I was disappointed but it still tasted OK so I ate it anyway.

So then we ate dinner and came up with a few genius ideas. For some reason, whenever we're at Kise Cafeteria eating, or talking about going there, all these genius ideas start popping up. The first one is for a website I'm supposed to start called "Things I Want to Say to My Roommate." It probably already exists but there are a few pairs of people rooming together this year and some things they wish they could say to their roommates are just really, really funny. So that was our first idea. Our second idea was an "Exotic Plumbing" service. And that turned into a whole setup where we could purposely clog toilets of rich people and then have them hire our exotic plumbers to fix them and split the profit. Genius.

I have to throw tomorrow at the NSIC Conference Track Meet. I'm seeded last and second-to-last in my events in the conference, so I guess there's not a lot of pressure on me so maybe that'll work in my advantage and I won't actually end up in last and second-to-last.

I decided today (and I know there are some people from my high school who, if they read this will holler at me for being waaaaaaaay behind the times) that Lupe Fiasco is probably the smartest rapper alive. I was listening to his song "Words I Never Said" and I actually had to think about some of the lines from his songs. What he manages to say in his songs is actually amazing. So much power in such a short amount of time. So I'll end with a few lines from his song:

"If you turn on TV all you see’s a bunch of “what the f-cks”
Dude is dating so and so blabbering bout such and such
And that aint Jersey Shore, homie thats the news
And these the same people that supposed to be telling us the truth
Limbaugh is a racist, Glenn Beck is a racist
Gaza strip was getting bombed, Obama didn’t say shit
Thats why I aint vote for him, next one either
I’ma part of the problem, my problem is I’m peaceful
And I believe in the people."

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