
Sunday, February 6, 2011

"You should call XXX!"

What an awesome weekend so far. Tomorrow's going to be full of action so I decided that there was no way I could fit in a three day post.

Friday night I finally got around to seeing "The Social Network." It was very, very good! I still think that the Academy will pick Black Swan, but I definitely respect the nominations and previous wins it has garnered thus far. I give it a two thumbs up, for sure!

Friday night was also a night of YouTube "Like a G6" parodies. Some of our favorites included: "Like Jesus," "Like it's Quidditch," and "Like Chopsticks." And our least favorite (like, WTF?) videos included: "Like a Cheesestick," and "Like a Cake Mix." And then someone had to show us this video: Banned PopRocks Commercial, which lead to this (in our opinion, much better) video: Banned 7Up Video. So in case you were wondering, yes, that is what we do in our free time.

Saturday was a much longer day (I am still up. And I do still need to shower.) But it started out innocently enough with a track meet, normal for a Saturday, then this happened:
It was scary up there, and I had no coat, no gloves and I was wearing fleece Crocs. Gimme a break.

Then the night went smoothly until we got a flat tire. Luckily, our driver was very calm and collected and called this awesome company called AAA who got us a tow truck. He thought he was jut changing a tire. Which happened:
She really, really just wanted to help him. And then we did. We LIFTED that car up for him. Yeah, that's right, we lifted a car.
But as we began to drive away, we realized that the car was still making noises that it shouldn't make. So half an hour later, this also happened:
I realize I shouldn't be smiling but I was just happy we found someone sober to come get us. Because even though it was above freezing (it was 32.2 degrees, actually) I had no coat, no mittens and I was wearing fleece Crocs. Gimme a break, again.

So I never got around to doing homework, because I still only have about 80% feeling in my toes, but hopefully I wake up early enough tomorrow morning to get work done before the Superbowl, because regardless of the outcome, I know that I will not be a happy camper if I still have work to do later on.

So I'll end with a quote from my favorite player in the NFL, who's also a Packer. Clay Matthews said this once on Twitter and I'm currently working on a piece of art a-la-this phrase:

"I will become what I know I am."

That's deep. GO PACK GO!!! Now, take it easy and get ready for some hardcore awesome football tomorrow (and a new episode of Glee!).

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