
Thursday, February 10, 2011

"I don't have any ideas yet, maybe something with glitter."

Today was another normal, long day. Went to video production, lunch, did some econ quizzes, went to nearly 3 hours of film history, went to track practice, went to soccer practice, ate dinner, toured an apartment, took a shower, did some random stuff, and now I'm here.

Since nothing happened today, and it's supposed to get really warm this weekend (for everyone who's not from Northern Minnesota, "really warm" in February means upper 30's!) I started thinking about spring and my favorite part of spring- being able to wear real clothes again. So I was looking at some Urban Outfitter trends and started my mental wishlist for spring/summer. Here's a taste:
Just cute casual shorts. Not a fan of the shoes though.

I love dresses. I may not seem like the type, but I love dresses. Especially spring time dresses because they're so bright and colorful!

Just a cute top!

Skirts are kind of like dresses.

If I can ever afford this, I would buy it. Unfortunately, I have a feeling $600 will be a little bit out of my price range for a long, long time.

If I ever get money, I'll buy some of those. In the meantime, I'll look at Target, Forever 21 and Charlotts Russe. Now to find somewhere warm and beachy to go for spring break...

I'm getting a cold and I have a 7:30am wake up call, plus two four hour bus rides tomorrow, so it's definitely time for bed. I've had this quote from "Dinner for Schmucks" stuck in my head all day, since the ESP guy came to our school last night. I thought it was fitting.

"You're right! I have brain control and brain control is better than mind control because... Because the brain controls the mind!"

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